Troy Peart

BC Chapter Lead, Canadian Association of Urban Financial Professionals (CAUFP)
Building Wealth as Black Businesses
Troy’s career in financial services spans over 20 years. He has a passion for working with dynamic business owners and professionals, empowering them to articulate and achieve their goals through an integrated approach guided by integrity, empathy, and collaboration.
Troy is CFA Charter holder and a Certified Financial Planner a holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Simon Fraser University (which he attended on a wrestling scholarship).
In addition to staying engaged with his professional organization, Troy is active with a mentorship program he founded for children of African descent. This program has been covered by 60 Minutes, The Globe and Mail, and the Oregonian. A dedicated family man, Troy is married with a young daughter and enjoys serving his community however he can. Troy currently services as the BC Chapter Lead of the Canadian Association of Urban Financial Professionals (CAUFP).