Inspired to make a contribution to the Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses of Canada (BEBC) Society?
Our organization is now able to accept donations! By donating, you are supporting an initiative that will impact generations and push our global economy forward.
Thank you for your generosity!
Our Black Business Summit is one of our largest events and we would love your help!
As our BEBC Society grows, we continue to plan many events that you can be a part of.
Supporting the growth of Black entrepreneurs & Black businesses takes a village and we couldn’t have done it without our sponsors!
Maximizing the benefits of your organization and our valued members is our top priority, so if you’re ready to work together let us know!
The growth and development of Black entrepreneurs & Black businesses greatly relies on the support they receive and we are here to guide them through their entrepreneurial journey!
If you’d also like to share insight and coach them through the process, let us know.