Black Youth Business Program

Black youth face barriers to business opportunities.
The Black Youth Business Program accelerates our business development.
Here’s How:

Black Youth Business Accelerator

This 12-week virtual course gives Black youth 25 and under the opportunity to incubate and accelerate their entrepreneurial potential, through a partnership with League of Innovators.

Financial Literacy

Youth between the ages of 4 and 39-years-old learn an increasingly complex set of skills–from money management and banking to credit scores, taxes, business ideation, business management, investment, retirement and more.

Professional Development

Youth are connected with mentors and coaching. They also receive training on key interview skills, job hunting, how to negotiate salaries and more.

College Prep

Mentors connect with Youth in grades 7 and 8, helping future entrepreneurs prepare for college with tips for successful applications and more.

Cultural & Comunity Engagement

Youth discover their confidence through things like camp outings, art, music, literature and Black history. They are taught tips on mental health and self-care, and learn about giving back to the community.

What is the Black Youth Business Program?

Black Youth Business Program

We know the deck is stacked against Black youth and young adults from the beginning. Research shows Black children under the age of 15 are nearly twice as likely (27%) to live in poverty than other children in Canada (14%)—meaning they face more obstacles than their peers on their road to business training and education.

The Black Youth Business Program addresses this inequity by offering new tools to break through these barriers. Through a blend of end-to-end entrepreneurship training, business incubation and acceleration, mentorship, accredited partnerships and more, the Black Youth Business Program gives aspiring youth the tools they need to accelerate their growth and thrive in business.

Program Highlights

The Black Youth Business Program has many components. Two of the most popular are:

     The Black Youth Business Accelerator

This 12-week virtual course gives Black youth 25 and under the opportunity to incubate and accelerate their entrepreneurial potential, through a partnership with League of Innovators.

    Financial Literacy Youth Training

Youth between the ages of 4 and 39-years-old progress through increasingly complex training–from  money management and banking to credit scores, taxes, business ideation, business management, investment, retirement and more.

The Black Youth Business Accelerator

This three month virtual course is a nation-wide business incubator and accelerator, offered in partnership with the League of Innovators. The program is designed to provide Black youth and young entrepreneurs access to the entire suite of League of Innovators’ lab training, along with exclusive content, workshops, peer community, business coaching, and a curated stream of resources and tools built specifically for Black youth in Canada. The accelerator program is free for youth-led startups, with no equity, and no strings attached.

Past Graduates and Sucesses

Accelerator Schedule

Lab 1

September 2021
16 Graduates

Lab 2

March 2022
14 Graduates

Lab 3

Summer 2022
18-20 Graduates Expected
Register for the wait-list now

Who is eligible?

You are eligible for the Black Youth Business Accelerator if you are:
  • 25 or under and reside in Canada, or are a Canadian abroad
  • Self identify as Black
  • Are launching or growing a startup, social enterprise, or non-profit
  • Are fully committed to hard work for 5 hours per week over three months, growing both as a founder and growing your startup to the next level

Register Now

Register today to be placed on our waitlist for the next accelerator.

Financial Literacy Youth Training

Youth between the ages of 4 and 39-years-old progress through increasingly complex training–from money management and banking to credit scores, taxes, business ideation, business management, investment, retirement and more.

Children aged 4-12

Kids who join the program learn basic monetary concepts from a young age, on things like:

  • How to manage money and budget
  • The ‘why’ and ‘how’ of saving money
  • Entrepreneurship and business fundamentals
  • Learn that the future is theirs to shape
  • And more…

Youth | 13 - 39 years-old

Youth and young adults are trained on an increasingly complex set of skills and education, ranging from basic principles to end-to-end entrepreneurship advice:
  • How to budget, read a pay stub and understand the relationship between education and earning potential
  • The basics of credit, debt, banking, earnings & taxes, retirement, and investing. 
  • Connection with a mentor and coaching
  • Entrepreneurship training including ideation, incubation, realization, funding and inclusion in the BEBC MarketPlace
  • How to break the cycles of poverty by identifying unhealthy relationships with money
  • How to talk to their kids about money

Who is Eligible?

You are eligible for the Financial Literacy Youth Program if you are:

  • 39 or under and reside in Canada, or are a Canadian abroad
  • Self identify as Black
  • Seek to launch or grow a startup, social enterprise, or non-profit

Register Now

Register today to be placed on our waitlist for Financial Literacy Youth Training.

What Partners do you work with?

The BEBC partners with several accredited and private partners to deliver the
Black Youth Business Program. These include: